Our #BHS Womens Soccer Player of the Week is Carrie Kotoucek
Instagram @carriekotoucek
Year: Junior
Position: Center Defender
Q: If you couldn't play Central Defender, what position would you rather play?
A: Goalie. I’ve always wanted to play goalie, but my mom said I was too short!
Q: What is your favorite memory from BHS Womens Soccer?
A: Last year at state, I got to carry the trophy when we were running towards the crowd. I got to hold it up and we were screaming. It's just a really great memory for me.
Q: What is your favorite game from your BHS career?
A: Freshman year, semifinal game in the state tournament. It was the first game I got to play a lot in. It felt really good to have that kind of support from the coaches.
Q: What are you goals for the next two years?
A: I’d like to grow as a leader because I feel like that's something I struggle with. Like, I might be able to lead on the field, but I think I struggle leading off the field and actually trying to bring people into things. And I want to find somewhere to play in college. I just really love soccer!